My Entire Life in a Few Pages

"I eat my cereal dry!!" --Me, trying to be intimidating. It didn't work.


Final Fantasy IX (that's 9, by the way)
Final Fantasy IX is my favorite Final Fantasy game to date. It stars a young member of a group of notorious thieves/actors named Zidane. The group of thieves/actors/whatever kidnaps a princess named Garnet Alexandria for ransom. The story goes on from there. The character designs are quite different than the other titles, sporting larger heads and more animated facial expressions in the fmv's. One of the most interesting things is Zidane's weapon type. He uses either a combination of a short sword and dagger or a double sided sword(kind of like those klingon things). The game also sports a very good ability system that adds more variety to your battle options, but still keeps it from getting too complicated. The game also reintroduces the black mages back into the story with vivi, a young black mage, and a big part of the plot involves black mages. The engine is like the old 4-person-at-a-time battle system and is a nice revisiting to the old final fantasy. But fans of the new look introduced by VII and VIII won't be disappointed. Square has managed to mix in just a bit of that too.

Final Fantasy X
This game is a matter of taste. Though I myself did not enjoy it as much as other title in the series, it is still a good games. The selling point of the game is the unbelievable graphics. There were times when I thought for a moment that the fmv models of the characters were actually real people. Even the game graphics are jaw droppingly realistic. The game is about a...well, actually it's a little odd. You'll just have to play it. FFX sports a new battle system which deviates from the old Active Time system. It is now totally turn based; a bar on the right side of the screen shows the turn order with character's faces. Casting spells like slow and haste rearranges the faces according to the spell used. You can also change the person you are using at any time during your turn without using up your turn. Each character has a certain strength to use in certain situations. It is possible to rename only your main character, Tidus. Though it's pointless, since the game features live voice acting, so square just found ways around saying the character's name throughout the whole game.


Say, aren't these scrolling marquis fun?